
If you’re looking for all the plant tips and tricks you can find, you’re in a perfectly plant-tastic place.



I’m not necessarily anonymous, but we’ll just call me Barbie… with plants. This blog was created to help you take the absolute best care of your plants- both common and rare.

We’ll talk about watering, grow lights, propagation, pricing, and absolutely everything in between. Although I may recommend products that I love using, I will primarily just be giving you the information you need to keep your plants at their happiest.

FYI: I am an avid rare-plant-lover. But, I also love a beautiful common houseplant. Therefore, we’ll dive into every plant I can get my hands on. (Maybe even some I can’t.)

Just think of me as your personal  botanist. Have any questions? Want to learn more than I post? Want to give me some tips? Send me an email at barbie@barbiewithplants.com or drop a comment on any of my posts.

Oh! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram at @barbiewithplants and send me all your plant pics. It’ll absolutely make my day.

