best gifts for plant lovers

Top 45 Best Gifts for Plant Lovers in 2022 (under $50)

Best Gifts for Plant Lovers in 2022


The past few years have been…chaos. And it still kinda is. Can I get an amen?


But, one good thing has come out of it: plenty of plant lovers!


With Christmas right around the corner, we wanted to give you some of the best gifts for plant lovers we could find.


Whether you are gifting a beginner or a complete plant pro, this list serves everyone.


We also made this list super accessible by scoping through Amazon to score a good amount of these gifts. That way, you know you’ll get it by Christmas- even with everything going on.


best gifts for plant lovers


*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I do receive a small commission if you purchase a product using my link, with no addition cost to you!*

45 Best Gifts for Plant Lovers under $50


1. Plantopedia: The Definitive Guide to Houseplants $29.95


best gifts for plant lovers


Okay, how perfect is this book?  Not only is the cover absolutely beautiful, it’s jam packed with all the houseplant information you need.


Even if you don’t think your plant lover needs more information on houseplants, the Plantopedia is a great coffee table book. It’s stylish, informative, and gorgeous,


2. A small humidifier$39.99


Plants absolutely love humidity. Unfortunately, there are only a few states (think the Southern region) that have enough humidity for them to thrive.


For that very reason, snagging a small humidifier for your friend can help them tremendously! This one is pretty affordable and can fit pretty much anywhere.


3. Common Houseplant Puzzle $16.99


Is this puzzle adorable, or what?!

best gifts for plant lovers

The sweetest part about this gift is that you can spend quality time helping your plant lover put it together if you choose.


(Quality time + gift giving? Look at you practicing some love languages!)


4.  Humidity Reader (Hygrometer) $10.99


Being able to determine the humidity in your ‘plant area’ can save a tremendous amount of stress.


With a hygrometer like this,  the plant lover in your life won’t have to worry about whether or not the humidity is too high or low.


5.  Plant Hat $11.99


Who doesn’t love to rock a casual dad hat? Add some plants on it, and it becomes a wonderful gift for any plant lover out there.


best gifts for plant lovers


They can wear it out and about, repotting outside, or just a casual day at the beach.


6.  Plant Blanket $29.99


Who wouldn’t want to cozy themselves up in this? I mean, need I say any more?!


best gifts for plant lovers

7. Plant Stand $22.99


Another thing that every plant lover will never have enough of are plant stands.


Check out this large one or this small one.


8. Heat mat $31.99


I personally think a heat mat is a must-have.


Between rooting cutting, promoting growth, or even just keeping a small area warm, the benefits are seemingly endless.


best gifts for plant lovers
This is the one I have. (Best part? It’s waterproof.)

9. Continuous Mister $16.99


Once again- this is a must have.


best gifts for plant lovers

Most houseplants enjoy a good amount of humidity. One of the best ways to help them?


Mist them.


Check out this continuous mister or find one at your local beauty store.


10. DIY Terrarium price varies


Grab some terrarium supplies and help your friend build their own terrarium. (Or, build them one personally!)


You can check out this article for a step-by-step tutorial, but here are some basic supplies that you’ll need:



Related Article: How to Build a Terrarium for Air Plants


11. Small Moss Poles $11.29


Not everyone does this, but I like to have small (or thin) moss poles like these lying around to help with cuttings.


best gifts for plant lovers

The sooner a plant has the opportunity to climb, obviously the sooner it will start attaching itself.


Small stakes like this work well, too.


12. Potting Gloves $13.97


If you’ve ever potted a plant in soil, you know that it can take ages to get the soil out from under your nails.


Likewise, by not wearing gloves, your plant loving friend is more prone to cuts on their hands.


Check out these super chic gloves or maybe these protective gloves.


13. Propagation station $12.99


One of my favorite gifts on this list is a propagation station.


If you don’t know what propagation is, let me enlighten you: it’s making many baby plants off one mama plant!


Okay, so, for propagation, you cut off a cutting of your plant (make sure it has a node), pop it into a set up like this with some water, and let it grow.


best gifts for plant lovers

*Inserts Frozen meme with let it go lyrics*


This one is also super stylish, but a tad more expensive.



14. Plant T-shirt $14+


I’m an avid t-shirt lover. I workout in them, dress them up, sleep in them… everything.

Which is the exact reason I think you can never go wrong by gifting a cute shirt.


Here are a few of my favorites:







**Fun fact- I am going to be launching a plant t-shirt soon. So, make sure you stick around and follow me on both Insta accounts: @barbiewithplants and @barbiewithablog

15. Crochet Cacti $10


We all have that one friend who just loves things like this! (I know this because I am her, she is me.)


Best part about this plant? You literally cannot kill it. Literally. Perfect.


best gifts for plant lovers


These are actually made buy a girl local to me, so you’ll be supporting a small business when you purchase. #shoplocal #shopsmall

16. Grow Lights $35.99


So, especially through winter, anybody who owns a plant can benefit from grow lights. (Which honestly makes it the ultimate best gift for plant lovers.)


These LED lights won’t up your electricity bill, but will provide adequate light to help your plants grow.


17. Vases $33


Vases can be used for propagation. It’s as easy as that.


You can find old antique vases, mason jars, bouquet vases, or even test tubes and make the perfect propagation station for your plant loving friends.


I really like these and think these are super chic.

18. Personalized Plant Charm Jewelry prices vary

I found this girl in a Facebook group and immediately put in a custom order because WOW! Her work is killer.


(I haven’t received my piece yet, but I will update here with personal pictures when I do.)


Her instagram handle is @petalsnpearlsdesign and this is her site.


best gifts for plant lovers


She can literally create any leaf you want. It’s like Pandora, but plants and better.


My idea: find our what plants your friend has or what their favorites are.  Then, order those leaves on a charm bracelet or choker.


I would *die* if anyone gifted me any of her work.

19. Plant Care Tracker $11


If you’re a regular tracker, you’ll understand this.


Plant care trackers help the plant owner schedule out when to water, fertilizer, rotate, and repot.


Here is one that I like, but you could also make your own with a journal like this.


20. Fertilizer $20-42


Just like us, plants need food too.


I personally use products from Outside of Eden on Etsy and I love them.


If your friend is trying to propagate and grow more plants this winter, get her this rooting bundle.

For an overall vitamin boost, check out this bundle.


Or, if you just want to get them something winter specific (perfect as a Christmas gift), grab this solution.


**Side note: I haven’t gotten around to using all of her products yet, but I do have them all. I will be doing some “How-to’s” with her products in the near future.

21. Hanging Potters $20- 37


Hanging wall pots are the best gift for trailing plants. (Pothos, micans, philodendrons, etc.)


You can get some simple and chic ones like this or go a little bit more fancy with rustic ones like these.


22. Garden Tools $16.99


I don’t know why I didn’t put these first, because duh!


Every plant lover can use a good set of garden tools. Even if they aren’t regularly gardening outside, these tools can always be used when potting indoor plants.



If you want to find a good bundle, you can check this out.


23. Plant Calendar for 2021 $15.99


Fingers crossed, we’ll have a lot more planning to do in 2021 than we have had in 2020.


That being said, gift your plant friends a plant calendar like this retro one or this super modern one.


I personally love being able to see my month in full- birthdays, holidays, due dates. If I got to do that everyday by looking at a calendar with plants, I can bet you it’d be a lot more relaxing.


24. Stained Glass Leaf $30


This is another locally owned small business I found. She creates these beautiful stained glass leaves.


best gifts for plant lovers


Best part? She does custom orders, too. That way, you can gift the perfect leaf for your friend’s collection.


She is on Etsy here and this is her Facebook page.


25. Plant Stickers $3-10


Maybe it’s just me, but I’m a sticker snob. I love putting them on my laptop and journals, using them as bookmarks, and gifting them.


best gifts for plant lovers


Sadly, this is another one of those “I’m launching this soon,” but here are a few of the ones I currently really like:


*Pro Tip: a plant sticker can be the best gift for plant lovers if you’re on a budget.


26. Stackable Moss Poles $12.95


If you thought about getting some small moss poles but don’t think they’ll be enough, checkout these stackable poles.


Now, not everyone will need this. But, if your plant friend has big, vining, climbing plants, they’ll love getting these.


27. Hanging Macrame $35


This is a gift for you boho, plant lovin’, casual friend.


Macrame adds a super calming aesthetic and goes so freaking well with plants.


(I have another local listing coming in hot.)


This girl can do anything and everything I swear.



You can check her account out here to see all of the beautiful things she creates.


28. Greenhouse $38+


Now, when I say greenhouse, you can think as small or broad as you want.


If you want to show how good you really are as a friend, you can always ball out and snag this one. Then, they’d seriously have a real greenhouse.


But, to stay within the $50 budget, check out these smaller greenhouses and these mini terrarium greenhouses.


I have many rare plants, which means a greenhouse like this would come in very handy to help with the moisture levels, temperature, and humidity.


But, if your friend has more common houseplants, you may just want to give them a small terrarium greenhouse like this that can help them propagate.


29. Terracotta Pots $16+


A huge part of the plant aesthetic are terracotta pots.


They’re known for their burnt orange clay style that becomes a dusty white overtime. (This happens because of the minerals in water and soil being unable to exit the clay pot.)


best gifts for plant lovers

I will say, even though I love the look of them, these pots aren’t made for all plants.


If your plant lover friend has some plants that like to stay on the dry side, this is your best option.


But, if they have a lot of moisture loving plants, you may one to check out these faux terracotta pots. Since they’re plastic, they won’t soak up as much water and dry your plant out.


30. Perlite $18.28


Perlite is, in my opinion, one of the best mediums to pot in.


Even if it’s not used alone, it’s a great additional to any houseplant medium.


That being said, this is one of the best gifts for any plant lover because we literally can’t get enough.


*Pro tip- you can find this at nearly any Lowe’s, Home Depot, or Walmart.

31. Succulent Squirt Bottle $5.99


Succulents need these special watering bottles because they can’t have their leaves drenched.


If you get water on the leaves of them, it can cause them to rot and eventually die.



I think these bottles are pretty affordable and definitely worth it.


32. Plant Journal $10+


I’m a firm believer that everyone should journal. Everyone, everyone, everyone.


best gifts for plant lovers


Here is my favorite journal (I added a plant sticker to the front) and here are few actual plant journals:




33.  Plant Pins $3-12


I know I’m not the only sucker for a good pin. (What you stick on aprons and hats, not a writing pen.)


I imagine myself vlogging my plant ventures very soon, in a cute denim apron with a variety of plant pins.


Here are some of my favorites:



34. Steel Pruners $18.99


One thing many people don’t start off knowing is that you aren’t supposed to prune your plants with everyday scissors.


For many different reasons, having a set like these of pruning sheers can help out tremendously.

35. Neon Leaf Sign $13.98




Pure decor. Pure decor that will be going in my office one it gets set up.


Literally, that’s it. These signs are just rad. If you have a sign buff, they’ll love this!

36. Planting Mat $10.49


I’ll be honest, this is something I never knew I needed until someone mentioned it to me.

A planting mat.


best gifts for plant lovers

This way, I can still repot plants in the middle of my living room without all the mess. (I mean, I did it anyway beforehand. But, that mess was brutal and this mat is a lifesaver.)

37. Monstera Earrings $35


I used to be an avid hoops girl. You know, #bighoopenergy all day, everyday.


But, then I lost my last pair.


*Enters plant jewelry.*

best gifts for plant lovers


I found a local vendor who makes the most fun monstera earrings! (Once again, shop local and support small.)


Check out her Instagram here.


It feels good to support good people. She is so sweet and even delivers if you’re near her.


And even if you aren’t near her, you can still order through her Etsy account here.


38. Various Planters $3-50


You can find pots and planters nearly anywhere.


You can even find cool mugs, candles, cups, and vases and use them as pots.


If you want to get something a little nicer and more hand-crafted, check out these super sweet ceramics.


39. Planting Apron $48.99


Dealing with plants can me M E S S Y to say the least.


That’s why I totally recommend every plant lover having one.


I don’t have one (yet), but I do plan on ordering one like this very soon.


You can shop around to find more personably styled aprons.


Easy Care Plants to Buy:


40. Poinsettia $38


If you’re looking at a gift for Christmas- here you go.


A Poinsettia is the traditional Christmas plant and perfect for any plant lover.


You can find one here and have it shipped to anyone, anywhere.


41. Pileas $18.50


Since this plant is so easy to propagate, it’s known as the pass-it-on friendship plant.

42. Pothos $12-20


The Pothos are regularly known as office pants because they can withstand very low, office light and they are flex with water.


Meaning, this plant is one of the best gifts for plant lovers due to it’s super easy-going nature.


Here are few different types:






43. Snake Plants $13+


Snake plants are another super easy plant to care for. They don’t need a lot of light and you only water them about once a month, when the soil is bone dry. (Think cacti.)


They’ll also get uber tall, depending on the space they have.


There are a few different types of these too, but these 2 are most common:




44. ZZ Plants $19.99


These grow just like snake plants, with the same care guidelines.


But, in my opinion, they look a bit cooler.



Here is one if you’d like to check it out.


45. Chinese Money Tree $31.99


Last, but not least, grab your plant lovin’ friend a Chinese Money Tree like this.


The legend is that someone found a chinese money tree and took it home. He then planted its seeds and made many more trees. He then made a fortune selling these plants as a business.


Therefore, these plants symbolize luck and prosperity.


best gifts for plant lovers

Best Gifts for Plant Lovers Wrap Up Thoughts


And there you have it. A full 45 item list of the best gifts for plant lovers under $50.


With Christmas around the corner, I hope this list helped you get some good ideas for gifts, to get all the plant people in your life.


I am fully confident that you wouldn’t go wrong with any of the ideas listed.


If you need help choosing something, don’t hesitate to comment below, message me on Instagram, or shoot me an email at


So, what’s the top item you would be thrilled to get?


Signing off,



*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I do receive a small commission if you purchase a product using my link, with no addition cost to you!*





5 thoughts on “Top 45 Best Gifts for Plant Lovers in 2022 (under $50)”

    1. Yes! A terrarium would be a great idea. That way, they aren’t intrigued to dig the dirt because it’s way harder to get into. I also have a post coming out soon about pet safe plants and how to train cats to leave your plants alone! Haha (Because I, too, deal with this.) So, stay tuned because it’ll get posted within the next two weeks.

  1. Oooo these are awesome suggestions! My dad recently got into gardening and growing all his own herbs and plants so I bookmarked a few items from this list with Christmas coming up 🙂

  2. Pingback: 21 Rare Wishlist Plants to Add to Your Collection (in 2021)

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