lucky plants for the new year

9 Must-Have Lucky Plants You Shouldn’t Live Without

9 Lucky Plants to Have for Your Home, Office, or Gifts


Looking for  more ways to enhance your luck? (Or even just to grow your plant collection.)


Well, boy, do we have you covered!


We are going to be looking at 9 lucky plants that are said to bring you luck, fortune, prosperity, and peace.

lucky plants for the new year


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Lucky Plants and Their Meanings


The best part about all of these lucky plants? They can be kept indoors. Plus, most of them are pretty easy to care for.

Lucky Plant 1: Lucky Bamboo


lucky plants bamboo

We’re going to talk about the bamboo plant first. I mean, obviously this is a lucky plant since the common name is lucky bamboo.


This plant is said to bring you good health, money, and happiness. The number of stalks tells you what this plant will bring you.


Lucky bamboo plants like a good amount of water, but actually don’t need any soil to stay happy. Oftentimes, you’ll find the in small vases with rocks and pebbles.


Since this plant brings happiness and health, it’s a perfect gift for your close friends and family. You may like this trio set to split up among a couple of your friends.


If you want one for your home or room,  look at this small lucky bamboo plant. Or, grab this one to add more decor to your home.


Lucky Plant 2: Golden Pothos


lucky plants pothos

Another easy houseplant that is said to be lucky is the golden pothos. It’s a trailing plant and is absolutely stunning when hung.


The lucky golden pothos plant is said to bring good fortune.


Here is a good starter plant and you can also look at this potted plant.


This plant can do just fine in lowlight conditions, but will thrive when given brighter (indirect) light.


It only needs to be watered when completely dry. So, water about once a week in the spring and summer. But, water once every couple of weeks in the fall and winter.


*Pro tip- when watering this plant, make sure you check the soil. If it stays to wet or damp, it will get root rot.


Lucky Plant 3: Money Tree


lucky plants money tree

The next lucky plant we’re looking at is the good-ol’ money tree. With a name like that, how could it not be lucky, right?


Money trees are said to bring, get this, money. But, not only does it bring fortune, it also brings prosperity.


This legend started when a poor man found this plant. He then started growing the money tree, collecting its seeds, and then selling them. The man made significant money selling these seeds, which is how this plant coined its luck.


You can get this plant here. If you want to pick out the pot it comes in, try looking here.


Another great thing about the lucky money tree plant is that it is a perfect gift! If you want to give someone good luck, wealth, and prosperity, gift a set like this.


The care for the money tree is fairly simple. Keep your plant in bright, indirect light. Water it when the first 2-4 top inches are dry. Lastly, try to keep it in a fairly humid spot.


Lucky Plant 4: Orchid

lucky plants orchid


Now, this plant is just stunning. Regardless of the good luck it brings, I totally think everyone should have at least one orchid.


I digress. Let’s move onto what luck this plant actually brings.


The orchid is known as a family plant. As considered a lucky plant, it is said to bring harmony within a family or home.


Often times, the orchid is used as a gift to someone who is looking for a spouse or partner.


Many people say these plants are hard to care for. But, I’ve never thought this to be true.


This lucky plant likes to completely dry out prior to waterings, stay in bright and indirect light, and live in a very well-draining potting medium.


If you’re looking for an orchid, look at this flowered and potted plant.  To get a bit of a smaller one, try here.


*Tip- An old wive’s tale is to add 1 ice cube to the top of the orchid to water it. Please don’t do this. Although that is about the amount of water it needs, an ice cube can shock and freeze its roots. That will, inevitably, kill your orchid.


Lucky Plant 5: Jade Plant


lucky plants jade

While most of the other lucky plants listed bring wealth, prosperity, and health, the jade plant brings success.


Since it brings success, this lucky plant would make a great gift for your coworkers, business partners, management, or even loved ones.


Being a succulent, the jade plant prefers to keep it’s soil relatively dry while getting very bright light.  To water these plants, use a bottle like this (to avoid getting its leaves wet) about once a month.


Lucky Plant 6:  Peace Lily


peace lily lucky plants

Known as an air purifying plant, the peace lily brings more than good luck. It clears the air of formaldehyde and benzene. (Which makes this plant a great one to have in your home and offices.)


As far as luck goes, this plant is said to bring calmness, harmony, and peace.


You may want to look at this one if you are considering getting one!


To care for your plant, water when its soil is dry. The peace lily is known for its ability to survive in low light conditions, so feel free to put it anywhere.

Lucky Plant 7: Palm Plant


lucky plants palm plant


Talk about a plant that helps you feel like you’re living in a jungle!


There are different types of palm plants, but they are all said to have the same luck: happiness and warm welcomes.


A big golden cane palm like this looks absolutely beautiful when set on a front porch or open sunroom.


If that seems to be a bit too big, you may want to check out this ponytail palm or even a parlor palm like this. Both of these are regularly sold smaller and can be used as decor within your house.


Taking care of your lucky palm plant isn’t very hard, either. Just water it when the first inch is dry and give it a ton of bright light.


Lucky Plant 8: Roses


lucky plants rose

Even though we think of a standard bouquet, you can actually get an entire rose bush like this.


You may be able to guess the luck this plant brings…


It brings happiness, love, and healing.


Did you guess right?


A single rose, bouquet, or entire rose bush is the perfect way to freshen up your kitchen, brighten your garden, or just say I love you.


Roses are actually pretty easy to take care of, too. Who would’ve thought that one of the most sought after flowers would be an easy plant?


To keep your rose bush like this happy, make sure it gets bright light and make sure it’s soil stays evenly moist. (Try using a moisture meter like this to measure the soil.)

Lucky Plant 9: Pileas


lucky plants pilea


Finally, last but definitely not least. Let’s talk about lucky pileas!


The pilea plant brings friendship. So, whether you choose to gift one like this or you receive one as a gift, you may have just found your forever friend.


This cute plant is said to bring tight friendship, due to how quickly it grows and reproduces smaller plants. (These small pilea babies are actually known as ‘pups’.) Therefore, it’s the perfect way to gift a plant that you grew.


These rapidly growing houseplants love getting bright, indirect light. Pileas also want to be watered when their soil is completely dry.


They’re pretty easy growers and will regularly put out new pups. If you notice a pup, feel free to uproot it and plant it separately. Then, you have a new plant to gift!


Why You Need Lucky Plants


Listen, the luck may be taboo. I get it.


But, just say that it isn’t. Say that a plant truly can bring you good luck. All you have to do is gently care for, love, and nourish it. Don’t you want to give it a try?


But, maybe you’re not a plant person and the idea of taking care of a plant eliminates the excitement of potential luck.


You should still totally gift one of the previous 9 lucky plants to a plant-lovin’ friend, co-worker, or family member. Plants provide so many different benefits than just luck.


Which plant mentioned was your favorite?


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do all plants bring you good luck?

Well, I like to think that pretty much all plants will bring you happiness. They teach you patience, gratitude, and even care. But, not all plants are rumored to have good luck, no.

Q: Where can I buy these plants?

There are so many online stores to buy plants from! Check out Amazon or The Sill. Also, be sure to look for local nurseries (plant shops) in your area and support small businesses!


Signing off,



*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I do receive a small commission if you purchase a product using my link, with no addition cost to you!*


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